Sunday, 23 May 2010

it only took a week..... (or so)

16th May 2010

Four Chestnuts & an Oak

17th May 2010

18th May 2010

22nd May 2010

23rd May 2010 

11th May 2010 
at the side of the house - the sycamore

13th May 2010

16th May 2010

22nd May 2010

7th May 2010
The front hedge - elderberry
11th May 2010
(look at the trees in the distance, too!)

16th May 2010 

22nd May 2010

11th May 2010

Apple Blossom

22nd May 2010 

meanwhile on the sunnier side of the house....
the apple blossom is a few days ahead.

early May - Blue Flowers "Mother's Day Flowers - also available in White. Wild flowers...DO NOT PICK!
Mid May - yellow flowers....not sure what - maybe a buttercup?....maybe not!

....and dandelions.... in Finnish "Voikukka", which literally translates as Butter Flower, but definitely isn't a Buttercup!

Wednesday, 12 May 2010

Green at last!

Oh I have missed the green..... grass, leaves, bulbs sneaking up through the ground.... of course we have plenty of evergreens but it's not the same as the fresh green of spring!

and it comes back quick - it's been weeks since the last of the snow melted and everything has been looking a bit bare but all of a sudden, in the last few days little spots of green can be seen all over the place. The hedge at the front has little pale green shoots, as does the tree at the side, moss and leaves on the apple tree... and next door's bulbs are peeping through.

Unfortunately i think my bulbs froze to death - so I'll be re-doing my pots soon.