16th May 2010
Four Chestnuts & an Oak
17th May 2010
18th May 2010
22nd May 2010
23rd May 2010
11th May 2010
at the side of the house - the sycamore
13th May 2010
16th May 2010
22nd May 2010
7th May 2010
The front hedge - elderberry
11th May 2010
(look at the trees in the distance, too!)
16th May 2010
22nd May 2010
11th May 2010
Apple Blossom
22nd May 2010
meanwhile on the sunnier side of the house....
the apple blossom is a few days ahead.
early May - Blue Flowers "Mother's Day Flowers - also available in White. Wild flowers...DO NOT PICK!
Mid May - yellow flowers....not sure what - maybe a buttercup?....maybe not!
....and dandelions.... in Finnish "Voikukka", which literally translates as Butter Flower, but definitely isn't a Buttercup!